Sunday, 23 September 2012

Your query to repeat the 5 obstacles which render wholesome learning impossible. Uttaradhyana Sutra 11th Chapter explains the 5 obstacles.
1. Egoism 2. Delusion 3. Carelessness 4.Illness 5. Idleness

1. Egoism is when the " I " and " ME " exists, such mind will either agree/disagree, evaluate, imagine, judge, measure, approximate to what is right according to him in the process of learning and hence unable to comprehend.

2. Delusion- A state of mind always in the past or imagining the future.

3. Carelessness- Not being attentive.

4. Illness- Maybe physical or mental. Hence, not in a state of equanimity.

5. Idleness- Lack of energy(virya).

All these 5 jointly or severally becomes obstacle to right observation and learning. Learning is a process of comprehension and renunciation i.e. learning without accumulation (parigraha). Hence, not memorizing or mugging. Here learning maybe subjectively or objectively. Learning or state of knowing is the inherent quality of the substance, the living thing.  When one is unable to comprehend a subject, one or more of the five above causes has to be invariably present. Now to ponder...