Wednesday, 9 January 2013


To lotus, your query to define parigraha: Assuming one is aware of all the traditional and other meanings, parigraha can be defined as anything one stores, hoards, with intention of future consumption, use, application. When one perceives subtly, knowledge too becomes parigraha. Now to ponder...
The second query with regard to bondage(bandh) and its relation to parigraha: Suyagadang sutra, 1st srutaskand, 1st chapter starts with cause of bondage, the answer given is parigraha. And further it is mentioned there are 2 kinds of parigraha, jeev and ajeev (living and non-living). Jeev includes all living beings to whom one is attached and non-living beings(ajeev) includes all of one's possessions to which one is attached. Most important is to consider the word 'attachment' which is moorcha= parigraha. Now to ponder...