Monday 30 July 2012

World Peace

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.

One word that brings peace can fight off thousands that bring war.

Words Like: Fight. Argue. Hate. Envy. Despise. Resent. Covet. Loathe. Detest. Dislike. Abhor. Squabble. Bicker. Disagree. Feud.

None of these words hold as much strength as one word: Love

 Great Words Given by Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha

 --Post by Harsh And Darshana Daftary. 
Regards to SriKumar sir.. !


  1. Very true....and spiritual love (submission and total absorption of the self into the ideal or say GURU) solves our problems and uplifts our consciousness.

  2. He who can, does. he who cannot, teaches………..
    George Bernard Shaw

    1. plz repeat five obstacles to right observation and learning.

  3. true LOVE is the purest form of DAYA, Daya free from any conditions.
    Having said that, its Tatva
